Our days, the massage is regarded as a holistic therapy that complements medical treatments. As therapists, I recommend therapeutic massage for helping to decrease pain, improve flexibility, improving your mood, helping to gain a bether limphatic flow, reducing muscle / joint soreness and improving the quality of your rest during the sleep time.

Therapeutic massage is an important part of our health and wellness plan. It can help when we are injured, stressed, in chronic pain, or simply in need of a little relaxation and balance. On-going massage therapy can help to achieve a preventive approach to our health or well-being. Once you experience the benefits of massage therapy, it will become a new  beginning.

My porpose is to help regain balance in your live. This quest is different for each of us, therefore  I am here to help improving yours. Whether you are looking for a relaxing massage, have sore muscles, an injury, sports issue, or you simply like to have your body in to a better balance, I am here to help and inspire you.